Planned Donation


Donate - PIX- Planned donations shows papers, change, money and pens

A planned gift allows you to transfer the amount of your choice to a cause that matters to you. This generous gesture allows the Foundation to continue its activities for the benefit of the visually impaired and blind community.


A will allows you to make specific personal provisions for you or a loved one, or to plan a partial or total donation of property. The estate will receive a receipt for the value of the donation.

Donations by will that the Foundation has had the great privilege of receiving in recent years help ensure the well being of the blind and visually impaired. The Foundation is extremely thankful for this gesture that comes from the heart and carries good far beyond a lifetime.


Choose from the following options:

  • PIX to illustrate planned donations (hand writing "testament)Specify an amount of money or a percentage of the value of your property to give to our organization in your will
  • Specify the value of securities (stocks, bonds, mutual fund investments, term deposits) or properties, works of art, or jewellery in your will
  • Appoint an organization as the beneficiary of an RRSP, RRIF, or pension fund
  • Appoint an organization as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy

Finally, you can share your decision with the organization and your family. This will help others understand your last wishes, enforce them, and possibly encourage your loved ones to follow your gesture. Whatever the amount donated, it is a way to help us continue our mission. Thank you!

For information, call 514-259-9470, ext. 227.

PIX-Donate - small plants growing on  a heap of changeLIFE INSURANCE POLICY DONATIONS

A simple and discrete way to donate by designating the Quebec Foundation for the Blind as the beneficiary; you can receive a donation receipt for the premiums paid during your lifetime.


The charitable annuity enables you to make an irrevocable donation to the Quebec Foundation for the Blind while ensuring you receive a guaranteed income for the rest of your life.


You can use a trust for charitable purposes as follows:

  • IPIX-Donate - small plants growing on money piles

    When you transfer property to a trust, you are entitled to income from the property over your lifetime and the capital is delivered to the registered organization at the time of death. In this case, a receipt would be given for your living donation.

  • The evaluation of the donation amount must then be carried out by professionals, according to specific criteria.

PIX-Donate - 4 hand-arms joining over a work table with a calculatorDONATIONS BY SHARES OR FIXED ASSETS

Because such a donation may incur tax implications, you can choose proceeds of disposition (which will become the amount of the donation) between the fiscal cost and the fair market value.

PIX-Donate - Notary Shield - Shop SignA Legacy to Be Shared – Quebec

The Quebec Foundation for the Blind is a philanthropic partner of the “A Legacy to Be Shared – Quebec ” program, conveying a very simple message to the population: “Draft a will and remember to include your favourite charity in your estate planning.”